This content has 9 years. Please, read this page keeping its age in your mind.When using ROS and Gazebo in robotics simulation what the roboticist want to avoid is the reinvention of the wheel. Therefore having these tools installed and working, the users could utilise packages that implement UAVs equipped with all the required features.
Tag: UAV
Control a ROS-enabled UAV (Functionality)
This content has 9 years. Please, read this page keeping its age in your mind. The teleoperation application is a prototype of a fully working application yet has not optimised in areas such as functionality and appearance to be commercially available. The application consists of three main screens. The first screen appears when the application
Control a ROS-enabled UAV (Implementation)
This content has 9 years. Please, read this page keeping its age in your mind.The implementation of the application was based on three UIViewControllers embedded in navigation controllers (fig.1). The navigation between the screens was accomplished using segues. In the projects’ workspace, three external libraries have been imported, namely: SocketRocket RBManager MKMapView As long as
Control a ROS-enabled UAV (Concept)
This content has 9 years. Please, read this page keeping its age in your mind.One of the popular and traditional methods of tele-operating a quad copter is using a Remote Control (RC). It is a well-established and tested method, which has its origin before the era of the UAV. Nowadays, advanced UAVs are equipped with