The Template Method Pattern and the Bridge Design Pattern in modern C++

Is developing software only good (or excellent) knowledge of a programming language? Of course not. There are many things, but one of the most important is to know patterns. It might be not obvious when you develop elementary apps at the beginning of your journey, but it becomes necessary when developing decent packages for professional

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TDD, GoogleTest, GitHub, Travis CI and Conan; the easy way!

Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a popular approach in developing code bases and there is a good reason for that. There are many books that explain the way and the advantages of adopting an approach like that. In today’s post, I’m not going to explain that again.  An amazing book that I can suggest is the

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Radiation mapping application (Implementation)

This content has 9 years. Please, read this page keeping its age in your mind.The radiation mapping application was developed based on the iPhone 5 screen dimensions. Consequently, the layout and the size of the elements are adapted to this device. The minimum supported iOS version is the 7th. The implemented application consists of three

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Control a ROS-enabled UAV (Implementation)

This content has 9 years. Please, read this page keeping its age in your mind.The implementation of the application was based on three UIViewControllers embedded in navigation controllers (fig.1). The navigation between the screens was accomplished using segues. In the projects’ workspace, three external libraries have been imported, namely: SocketRocket RBManager MKMapView As long as

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