When talking about patterns, one acronym seems to be the most popular, the SOLID principles. Yes, actually SOLID is an acronym that stands for: Single Responsibility, Open-closed, Liskov substitution, Interface Segregation and Dependency Inversion Too many strange terms, a little bit dry. I can think of two things that will help us go through. The
Category: patterns
Observer Pattern in modern C++
We have started a series of posts trying to present ridiculous popular design patterns using examples in modern C++. Again, the inspiration came from the great youtube video series, ArjanCodes. This time we are going to talk about the observer pattern which is going to help us separate various modules in our code. The key
Dependency Inversion Pattern in modern C++
Dependency inversion is one more pattern that is going to help us improve abstraction. We mean that by applying this approach, we separate the definition of an interface from the actual implementation. To explain the pattern, there is a classic example with the light bulb and the switch. If we assume that we want to