About me

Hello, my name is Angelos Plastropoulos!

Angelos Plastropoulos

I like developing robotics applications using ROS middleware, cloud applications and ML scripts for the edge. I want always to stay on top of the recent updates, so my latest addiction is to go deeper into modern C++, Python 3, exotic messaging protocols and dive deeper into simulations.

Owner and editor of codingAdventures.org since Jun 2011, a blog that contains tutorials, tips and ideas about coding. I strongly believe that sharing and explaining things makes you understand them better. In addition, it’s my minimal contribution back to the coding community. I learn every single day by reading posts and tutorials written by beautiful people like you, please accept my offer back to you.

In parallel, I love motorbikes, MotoGP, gaming, music (electronica, disco, funk, pop, rock and classic) and mystery movies.

Academic history:

  • 2014-2015, MSc in Robotics (University Of Bristol, UK),
  • 1998-1999, MSc in Advanced Computing (University Of Bristol, UK) and
  • 1992-1997, MEng in Electrical and Computer Engineering (University Of Patras, Greece)

If you are interested in something more formal, please visit my LinkedIn profile.