In recent Linux Kernels PEAK CAN USB adapter works natively without the need of installing PEAK drivers. As the manufacturer says: Since kernel version 3.6, the netdev interface with all of the PEAK-System PC CAN interfaces is natively included in the mainline kernel. So, there is no need to install the PCAN driver for Linux when planning to use the SocketCAN interface in applications.
This is the task that you should follow in order to make the adapter work properly.
To load driver:
sudo modprobe peak_usb
You can check it by executing lsmod
Additionally, by executing dmesg, you should see something like:
peak_usb 2-2.1:1.0 can0: attached to PCAN-USB channel 0 (device 255)
To bring up CAN NIC
sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 1000000
(The number is the bit rate, in this case, 1Mbps)
If you want to start an interface automatically check SocketCAN Readme, section 6.5
sudo ip link set up can0 ifconfig can0
Peak Systems CAN-USB Interface